Mini Project 1
For the first mini project, I tried my hand at implementing IK in Unity using the Jacobian Transpose and Pseudoinverse methods, and 2 walk cycles of a rigged character, done in Maya.
Inverse Kinematics (Jacobian Transpose and Pseudo-inverse Methods)
I attempted two implementations of IK using the Jacobian Transpose and Jacobian Pseudoinverse methods respectively. Both were done in Unity.

The demo above in Unity shows a real-time comparison of the two implementations. The bones following the red spheres demonstrate the Transpose method, while the bones following the blue spheres demonstrate the pseudo-inverse method.
Each sphere influences a set of 3 joints, and can be moved around in 3D space by a cursor.
The transpose is computed using the Analytical method.
Clamped the rotations to within 360 degrees.
Clamped the motion if the target position is far from the end effector.
Added a small identity matrix to the original to make it invertible.
Used Mathnet.Numerics plugin for Unity to perform Matrix operations
Keyframed Walk Cycles in Maya
I attempted 2 walk cycles in Maya, shown below.
The one on the right is the one I started off with. It is a fairly standard walk cycle.The one on the left is a fashion walk, a variation on the first one

For both walk cycles, I followed the five poses of traditional animation
Created the created the Contact pose, keyframed it and duplicated it to create the end pose.
Added the opposite of the Contact Pose in the middle of the span of my walk cycle.
Created the Passing Poses, taking care of the tilt of the hips, movement of the shoulders.
The character is at his lowest point on the Impact Poses.
At the Up poses the root/center of gravity is at its highest point
I tried paying attention to the movement of the arms, the wrists, the ankles, and the toes. this especially comes across in the fashion walk.
I wrote simple MEL scripts to help me select groups of controls at once and save poses, for duplication and backups.