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Mini Project 2 

Choice 1: Cloth Simulation in Unity (C#)


I tried to implement cloth simulation using the verlet Integration method. I followed the paper Advanced Character Physics by Thomas Jakobsen.


Got it to run at around 50 fps. Most GIF examples below have been sped up for the presentation.



  • [above] Basic example of the cloth moving under gravity.

  • The demo runs at around 50 fps real time

  • [above] Cloth moves under gravity, collides with sphere and slips down

  • Used Rigidbodies in Unity to detect the collision; applied force at the point of contact perpendicular to the plane of contact

  • [above] Forcible collision of the sphere with the cloth still under gravity

  • Cloth recovers its shape

  • [above] Another forcible collision of the sphere with the cloth still under gravity

  • [above] If you too fast with the collision, sometimes the sphere goes through the cloth, and things go haywire.

  • [above] Collision with a differently shaped object - a cube

  • [above] Ramming the cube into the cloth, which recovers shape

  • [above] Again, sometimes the cube goes through if the action is done too fast

  • [above] Contact with ground; the two pinned particles are unpinned at some point.

  • [above] Cloth falls on sphere, the ground and slips down under gravity

  • [above] Increased the number of particles from 100 to 400 in this one. The result was considerably slower.

  • [above] Tried to make the cloth collide with itself

  • The Rigidbodies help with collisions among particles

  • [above] Increased the stiffness from 0.5 to 1

  • Some particles are a little off

  • [above] Increased the time step value

  • The cloth sags a little more

  • [above] Reduced the number of iterations form 15 to 1

  • [above] Cloth acting under wind forces; stopped gravity for this one.

Some Notes:

  • Used a procedurally generated mesh in unity

  • Vertices are updated every frame and 

  • Timestep of 0.025

  • Iteration count kept at 15

  • All particles assumed to be of mass 1

  • Stiffness value for particles used as 0.5

  • ​

Choice 2: Analyzing the Nucleus Simulation Engine


  • Referred paper Nucleus: Towards a Unified Dynamics Solver for Computer Graphics

  • Nucleus is a unified solver for cloth, rigidbodies, and fluids. It accounts for two-way interaction between object types.

  • Internal deformations are handled through constraints instead of springs. It uses simplicial complex as its unified shape model, which lets it handle interactions and collisions between objects of different dimensionality.

  • Reduces the work of artists. Instead of keyframing poses for deformable objects, it makes use of material properties and external forces.

  • Uses a spacetime-based approach for collisions and

  • Uses a constraint-based approach to account for deformations

  • The number of iterations results in more physically plausible solutions. Conflicting constraints are evaluated in different orders by interleaving them.

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