Mini Project 2
Choice 1: Cloth Simulation in Unity (C#)
I tried to implement cloth simulation using the verlet Integration method. I followed the paper Advanced Character Physics by Thomas Jakobsen.
Got it to run at around 50 fps. Most GIF examples below have been sped up for the presentation.

[above] Basic example of the cloth moving under gravity.
The demo runs at around 50 fps real time

[above] Cloth moves under gravity, collides with sphere and slips down
Used Rigidbodies in Unity to detect the collision; applied force at the point of contact perpendicular to the plane of contact

[above] Forcible collision of the sphere with the cloth still under gravity
Cloth recovers its shape

[above] Another forcible collision of the sphere with the cloth still under gravity

[above] If you too fast with the collision, sometimes the sphere goes through the cloth, and things go haywire.

[above] Collision with a differently shaped object - a cube

[above] Ramming the cube into the cloth, which recovers shape

[above] Again, sometimes the cube goes through if the action is done too fast

[above] Contact with ground; the two pinned particles are unpinned at some point.

[above] Cloth falls on sphere, the ground and slips down under gravity

[above] Increased the number of particles from 100 to 400 in this one. The result was considerably slower.

[above] Tried to make the cloth collide with itself
The Rigidbodies help with collisions among particles

[above] Increased the stiffness from 0.5 to 1
Some particles are a little off

[above] Increased the time step value
The cloth sags a little more

[above] Reduced the number of iterations form 15 to 1

[above] Cloth acting under wind forces; stopped gravity for this one.
Some Notes:
Used a procedurally generated mesh in unity
Vertices are updated every frame and
Timestep of 0.025
Iteration count kept at 15
All particles assumed to be of mass 1
Stiffness value for particles used as 0.5
Choice 2: Analyzing the Nucleus Simulation Engine
Referred paper Nucleus: Towards a Unified Dynamics Solver for Computer Graphics
Nucleus is a unified solver for cloth, rigidbodies, and fluids. It accounts for two-way interaction between object types.
Internal deformations are handled through constraints instead of springs. It uses simplicial complex as its unified shape model, which lets it handle interactions and collisions between objects of different dimensionality.
Reduces the work of artists. Instead of keyframing poses for deformable objects, it makes use of material properties and external forces.
Uses a spacetime-based approach for collisions and
Uses a constraint-based approach to account for deformations
The number of iterations results in more physically plausible solutions. Conflicting constraints are evaluated in different orders by interleaving them.